Managing Close Calls

In this article, you'll learn how to manage close calls including accessing report details and how to edit these reports.

Managing Close Calls

When managing Close Call Reports, you can review the information previously submitted. You also have the capability of adding important details to the report that can only be done through the Supervisor Portal.

Accessing Close Call Report Details

From the Report Management menu, the second tile from the left will be labeled Close Call. On this tile, you will see the name of the person that submitted the report and their job title. Under this information, you will see INCOMPLETE. Once the report has been closed, this will change to COMPLETE. For more information on closing a report, click here

To see the report details and to add information, click the Close Call tile. The details of the report will appear on the right of the page (pictured below):

Managing Close Calls

The first portion of the Close Call report will display information that was submitted in the original report. Scroll to the end of the report summary to the next question, “Was an asset involved with the report?”

Was an asset involved with the report?

Depending on if an asset was involved with the report, click Yes or No.

  • If you click Yes, two text boxes with drop-down lists will appear.
  • Click the text box PLEASE SELECT ASSET CATEGORY and scroll through the list until you see the asset category that applies to the report.
  • Or click SEARCH and begin typing the category name until you see it appear in the list. The category that was selected will appear in the textbox.
  • Click the text box PLEASE SELECT ASSET and scroll through the list until you see the specific asset that applies to the report.
  • Or click SEARCH and begin typing the specific asset name until you see it appear in the list. The asset that was selected will appear in the textbox.
  • The pre-populated information for this specific asset will appear below.

If you select, No, continue to Save.

Suggested Improvements

The initial Close Call report will have a section for suggested improvements to prevent reoccurrence which you can review here.

Saving Reports

Once all questions have been reviewed and completed, click Save.

Printing Reports

To print the Close Call Report, click the printer icon at the top right-hand corner of this page and then follow your computer’s printing instructions.

Editing Reports

If you have been assigned the Incident Editor role, you have the capability to edit submitted reports. To edit any portion of the report that was originally submitted in the initial report, click on the edit icon found at the top left-hand corner of this page. Once changes have been made, click Save at the bottom of the page.

To exit editing mode without saving changes, click the “X” at the top-right corner of the report. A pop-up window will appear, “Do you want to save the report?” Click Yes to save your changes or No to not save your changes.

To learn more about assigning roles in Sospes, click here