How Does the Supervisor Portal Flag Incidents as "Reportable," "Recordable," or "Workers Comp"?
An OSHA recordable incident is any work-related injury or illness that requires medical treatment beyond first aid, results in days away from work, restricted duty, or job transfer. These must be documented on the OSHA 300 log. An OSHA reportable incident is a more severe event that must be reported directly to OSHA, such as a fatality (within 8 hours) or an in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye (within 24 hours). While all reportable incidents are recordable, not all recordable incidents are reportable.
How Does the Supervisor Portal Flag Incidents as "Reportable," "Recordable," or "Workers Comp"?
Sospes helps track and manage workplace incidents, but it’s important to note that we do not directly report incidents to OSHA. Instead, we flag incidents as "reportable" based on certain criteria.
To mark an injury report as OSHA recordable in Sospes, any user with access to the report in the Supervisor Portal can open the report and scroll down to the question “Is the injury OSHA recordable?” – Selecting “Yes” will add this incident to the relevant establishment’s OSHA 300 and generate an OSHA 301.
Marking Injuries as OSHA Reportable (Must contact OSHA within 24 hours)
An incident is flagged as "OSHA Reportable" in only very specific and severe circumstances; Fatality (within 8 hours of incident), an in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye.
When viewing an injury report within the Supervisor Portal you can indicate whether any of these three circumstances apply filling out the bottom section of the report.
Loss of Eye or Amputation
If an employee loses vision in an eye which includes significant eye damage or an amputation which is the traumatic loss of a limb or other external body part, including fingertip amputations with or without bone loss, the injury is considered OSHA Reportable. To indicate that this is the case, scroll to the “Type of Injury” question.

If the employee dies as a result of the injury or event, you can indicate as such in the question “If the employee died, what date did the death occur?”

Hospitalization Overnight
If the employee is hospitalized overnight for treatment, you can indicate as such with the relevant question
Call OSHA Countdown
When an injury is flagged as OSHA Reportable you will see a red alert bar across the top of the page indicating its a reportable injury and the countdown clock for when you need to have contacted OSHA by. Once you have contacted OSHA, indicate “Yes” to discontinue the countdown.
The system will also automatically flag the injury as OSHA Recordable since any Reportable injury is also recordable. The system will then add this incident to the relevant establishment’s OSHA 300 and generate an OSHA 301.