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  2. Sospes Mobile App

Why is the Sospes App not opening?

In rare cases, users may run into an issue where their Sospes app will not open correctly on a mobile device or tablet. Follow these steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

On a rare occasion, a Sospes user may have an issue with opening their Sospes mobile app. While this is unlikely, this can sometimes be caused by a corrupt download from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. 

Android Device

  1. Check and make sure you are on the newest app version.
    1. Visit the Google Play Store
    2. Search "Sospes" or "Sospes Safety"
    3. If you are not on the newest version, you will see the option to "Update"
    4. Press "Update" if available
    5. Once the newest version has been installed, launch the Sospes app by pressing "Open"
  2. You have completed Step 1, have the newest app version, and are unable to launch the app still. 
    1. Press and hold on the Sospes icon and select "Uninstall"
    2. Visit the Google Play Store
    3. Search "Sospes" or "Sospes Safety"
    4. Press "Install"
    5. Once the app has been installed, launch the Sospes app by pressing "Open"
  3. You have completed Steps 1 & 2 and are unable to launch the app.
    1. Go to your device's "Settings"
    2. Scroll down and select "Apps"
    3. Scroll down or search for "Sospes Safety"
    4. Select "Sospes Safety"
    5. Scroll down and select "Storage"
    6. At the bottom select "Clear data"
    7. Select "Delete"
    8. Once the data has been deleted, relaunch the Sospes app.

Apple Device

  1. Check and make sure you are on the newest app version
    1. Visit the Apple App Store
    2. Search "Sospes" or "Sospes Safety"
    3. If you are not on the newest version, you will see the option to "Update"
    4. Press "Update" if available
    5. Once the newest version has been installed, launch the Sospes app by pressing "Open"
  2. You have completed Step 1, have the newest app version, and are unable to launch the app still. 
    1. Press and hold on the Sospes icon and select "Remove App"
    2. Visit the Apple App Store
    3. Search "Sospes" or "Sospes Safety"
    4. Press "Install"
    5. Once the app has been installed, launch the Sospes app by pressing "Open"