Project Templates

Create templates to automatically fill in pre-determined values when inventory/assets are scanned into Sospes.

Before a user is able to create project templates, a user must first assign asset attributes to the asset categories you are working with, learn how do set up asset attributes!

Once you have created your attributes, you can now create a product template. To add a new product template, click Admin and then Product Templates on the left. View All Active templates or All Templates to view templates that have been deactivated. If you are looking for a specific asset category, you can also filter by your category of choice.


  1. Click ADD NEW in the upper right-hand corner to create a new template.
  2. Give your new template a name.
  3. Select the asset category your template is based on, you would have previously added attributes to your asset category of choice.
  4. Based on your pre-determined attributes, fill in the values for your template.
  5. Click SAVE to save your new template.

You can now open up the project of your choice and add your new template to the project under the Product Template grid on the edit project page. Now, when new inventory/assets are scanned in via the inbound form, the attributes will automatically be filled in based on the chosen project and product template.