How to answer injury questions on an incident report

This help page focuses on specifically the injury and illness questions of an incident report. If you're looking for steps on how to begin an incident report, please see the Reporting an Incident help page.

Injury and Illness Specific Questions

An Injury incident includes anything causing harm to a person, even if it only resulted in a slight bruise. Examples could cover a wide range of severity, from minor bumps and bruises to even serious injuries. This report also includes illnesses as well.

Who was injured?  

This will be the first question you will see relating to the injury or illness. It directly follows the question, "What contributed to this incident?" The available options to answer who was injured will be:

  • Self 
    If the employee who is currently logged in and filling out this report was the person that was injured in the incident, select this option.
  • Another Employee 
    If an employee besides the individual who is currently logged in and filling out this report was the person that was injured, select this option. To do this:
    • Click the button next to ANOTHER EMPLOYEE
    • A red outlined text box will appear below.
    • Click PLEASE SPECIFY in the red text box to select the employee that was injured. 
    • You can scroll through the list to find the employee’s name, or you can use the search feature by clicking SEARCH in the top text box and typing an employee’s name.
    • Click the employee’s name when it appears in the dropdown menu to identify them as the injured person.
  • Third Party/Contractor 
    If you are completing the Incident report for a third party or contractor that was injured at a company location, select this option. This includes, but is not limited to, contractors on site, temporary employees who are not on your company's payroll, bystanders or visitors. To use this:
    • Click THIRD PARTY/CONTRACTOR and three text boxes outlined in red will appear.
    • In the first red text box, click PLEASE SPECIFY and indicate the third party or contractor’s company name. 
      • You can scroll through the list to find the company’s name, or you can use the search feature by clicking SEARCH in the top text box and typing the company’s name. 
      • Click the company’s name when it appears in the dropdown menu.
      • Note that if the injured person was a bystander or non contractor, select "General Public" or "Other."
    • Move your cursor to the second text box where it says PERSON INVOLVED and type in the name of the third party or contractor that was injured. 
      • If for some reason you are unable to get this person's name, we recommend you put "Unknown."
    • Move your cursor to the third text box where it says (XXX)XXX-XXXX and type the phone number of the third party or contractor. 
      • If for some reason you are unable to get this information, we recommend you put "Unknown" or "000-000-0000." 

Was there an injury, illness, or both?

The next step is to indicate if there was an injury, illness, or both. Make your selection by clicking on the checkbox next to INJURY and/or ILLNESS.

  • If you selected only ILLNESS, skip ahead on this help page to where it says What type of treatment did you receive?

What type of injury did you experience?

If you indicated that there was an injury, this question will appear. Use this section to indicate the types of injuries that the individual previously identified in the report experienced. If the type of injury is not listed, select OTHER and then move your cursor to the red text box where it says PLEASE SPECIFY to type in your answer using your keyboard.

What caused the injury? 

Select all causes of that injury that are applicable. If the cause of your injury is not listed, select OTHER and move your cursor to the red text box where it says PLEASE SPECIFY to type in your answer using your keyboard.

Where is the injury located?

This next section gives you the opportunity to show exactly where the injury occurred on the person's body.

Completing this section on a computer:

  • Highlight the areas of body that were injured by clicking on the applicable areas on the mannequin displayed in this section.
  • You can alternate between Head, Torso and Lower Body by click on the corresponding tab to the left of the mannequin.
  • You must select at least one part of the body in order to submit this report. You can verify the full list you have selected using the list that appears to the right of the mannequin. 

Completing this section on the mobile app:

  • Highlight the areas of body that were injured by tapping on the applicable areas of the mannequin displayed on each page.
  • You can alternate between Head, Torso and Lower Body by pressing NEXT at the bottom of each screen. 
  • You can alternate between the front and back of each body section by using the SHOWING FRONT and SHOWING BACK button at the top of each page. 
  • You must select at least one part of the body in order to submit this report. You can verify the full list you have selected using the list that appears at the bottom of each of the mannequin pages.

What type of treatment did you receive?

In this section, please explain what kind of treatment the injured person received. Click the checkbox for all that apply. If no treatment was received, click None.

What type of illness did you have?

If you indicated that this incident involved an illness, this question will be displayed. Click the checkbox for all that apply. If the type of illness is not listed, select OTHER and in the red text box type in your answer using your device's keyboard.

End of the Injury/Illness Report

Depending on the selected incident types involved in this report, you may see different questions displayed here. 

Use the list below for directions on how to complete a report for other types of incidents.