This page walks through the steps of how to add notes and attachments to a report using your computer.
The Notes & Attachments tile in the report management screen gives you the ability to attach additional information and files to a report that was not originally submitted. This can include scanned documents, additional photos, or even copies of emails associated with the event.
To add notes or attachments, click on the Notes & Attachments tile which is on the top left side of the Report Management screen.
Adding Notes to Report
- To add notes, click on the tab labeled Notes and then click NEW NOTE in the text box below.
- Type your notes using your computer’s keyboard.
- Once your notes are complete, click Submit Note below the text box.
- The completed note will appear below.
Adding Attachments to Report
- To add attachments, click on the tab labeled Attachments.
- Drag files from your computer to the empty text box below, or click on the text box to select files from your computer.
- Once the file has been attached, another text box will appear below.
- To include a description of the file, click on the text box with your cursor and type the description using your computer’s keyboard.
- To save the attachment description, click Save. Or click Cancel.
- The saved attachment will appear below.
Editing/Deleting Notes & Attachments
- To edit the note or attachment, click on the red pen icon in the upper right-hand corner of the text box.
- Make desired changes, and then click Save. To cancel making changes, click Cancel.
- To delete the note or attachment, click on the red X in the upper right-hand corner of the text box. A pop-up window will appear, Are you sure you want to delete this note? To delete a note, click Yes. To keep note, click No.
Printing Notes & Attachments
- To print notes and attachments, click on the printer icon at the top right of this section.
- This will open your notes and attachments in a new window on your computer.
- Using your computer’s printing functions, print the notes and attachments.
Notes & Attachments Saved to Report
Once notes and/or attachments are attached and saved to your report, you will see a paperclip icon appear in the Notes & Attachments tiles in the Report Management menu.