Learn how to customize "Working Conditions" and "Contributing Factors" answer choices for Incident and Close Call reporting.
How to access and edit "Working Conditions" and "Contributing Factors" answer choices
To access and edit these sections, go to the Admin menu in Sospes. Next, select System Configuration, then select 'Were any of these involved?' (Working Conditions) OR 'What contributed to this incident?' (Contributing Factors).
Customizing "Working Conditions" and "Contributing Factors"
There will be an "Active" list of all current default answer choices available. You can continue to use these options as answer choices, or you can edit and add new choices geared towards your specific needs.
Please note: When editing either working conditions or contributing factors the steps will be the same, below we will show working through editing "Working Conditions" answers.
How to add or edit a "Working Conditions" or "Contributing Factors" answer choice
- In the top right corner of the page click ADD NEW.
- Add the new selection you would like to include in your reporting. (Include any other translations if multiple languages are active in your Sospes environment).
- Click SAVE.
- To edit, click on the active answer choice
- Edit the text in the field, and click SAVE.
How to deactivate a "Working Conditions" or "Contributing Factors answer choices
- From the Active List, select the red X to the right of the answer choice.
- Another box will appear asking if you would like to deactivate the choice, select YES.
- The answer will then appear under the section labeled All and can be reactivated if needed.
How to reactivate a "Working Conditions" or "Contributing Factors" choices
- Select the tab labeled All.
- If the choice is inactive, the circle to the right will be empty. If the choice is currently active the circle to the right will have a green check mark.
- Click on the answer you would like to reactivate.
- On the next page check Is Active, and click SAVE.